Excel Statistics Help

Excel HelpSorry, but there is no Statistical Bullshit this week!  No, the world did not run out of it – trust me, there is still plenty.  Instead, I’ve been developing a section of another one of my websites: MattCHoward.com.  The Statistics Help Page of my academic website has been getting lengthier and (fortunately) more popular.  One of the most common requests that I receive is for guides on calculating statistics in Excel.  This is understandable.  Other stats programs can be expensive, whereas most everyone has access to Excel in their workplace or home.  So, I’ve been spending time writing short guides on my Excel Statistics Help Page.

A primary method to avoid Statistical Bullshit is to understand statistics yourself.  If you are unsure about calculating statistics in Excel, be sure to check out this page.  I’ll be updating it regularly throughout the current academic semester.  So, if you need a guide on a certain topic, let me know by emailing MHoward@SouthAlabama.edu.  I’d be happy to create a guide sooner rather than later!

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